Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz, BBiG) of 23 March 2005 (Federal Law Gazette [BGBl.], Part I, p. 931) – non-official publication – Table of Contents1 Part 1 General Provisions Section 1 Vocational Training Terms and Objectives Section 2 Learning Locations of Vocational Training Section 3 Scope Part 2 Vocational Training Chapter 1 Initial Training Division 1 Organization of Initial Training; Recognition of Training Occupations Section 4 Recognition of Training Occupations Section 5 Initial Training Regulations Section 6 Testing of New Training Occupations, New Forms of Initial Training and New Types of Examinations Section 7 Crediting of Previous Vocational Education and Training towards the Period of Initial Training Section 8 Reduction and Extension of the Period of Initial Training Section 9 Power to Make Training Arrangements Division 2 Initial Training Relationship Subdivision 1 Establishment of the Initial Training Relationship Section 10 Contract Section 11 Contract Document Section 12 Invalid Agreements Subdivision 2 Obligations of Trainees Section 13 Conduct During Initial Training Subdivision 3 Obligations of Training Employers Section 14 Initial Training Section 15 Time Off Section 16 Certificate 1 The Act entered into force on 1 April 2005. Section 17 Section 18 Section 19 Section 20 Section 21 Section 22 Section 23 Section 24 Section 25 Section 26 Subdivision 4 Allowance Entitlement to an Allowance Assessment of the Allowance and Date of Payment Continued Payment of the Allowance Subdivision 5 Beginning and End of the Initial Training Relationship Probationary Period End Termination Compensation for Damages in the Event of Premature Termination Subdivision 6 Miscellaneous Provisions Subsequent Employment Mandatory Applicability Other Contractual Relationships Division 3 Suitability of Training Premises Section 27 Section 28 and Training Staff Suitability of Training Premises Suitability of Training Employers and Instructors Section 29 Personal Qualifications Section 30 Section 31 Section 32 Section 33 Technical Qualifications Application to Europe Supervision of Suitability Prohibition of the Engagement of Trainees and the Provision of Initial Training Division 4 Register of Initial Training Relationships Section 34 Section 35 Section 36 Institution, Maintenance Entry, Amendment, Deletion Application Division 5 Examinations Section 37 Final Examination Section 38 Section 39 Object of the Examination Boards of Examiners Section 40 Section 41 Section 42 Membership, Appointment Chair, Quorum, Voting Decisions, Assessment of the Final Examination Section 43 Admission to the Final Examination Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) of 23 March 2005 (Fed. Law Gazette [BGBl.], Part I p. 931) 3 Section 44 Admission to Final Examinations Taken in Two Parts Administered at Different Times Section 45 Admission in Special Cases Section 46 Decision on Admission Section 47 Examination Rules Section 48 Interim Examinations Section 49 Additional Qualifications Section 50 Equivalence of Examination Certificates Division 6 Representation of Interests Section 51 Representation of Interests Section 52 Authorization to Issue Ordinances Chapter 2 Further Training Section 53 Further Training Regulations Section 54 Regulation of Further Training Examinations by the Competent Bodies Section 55 Consideration of Previous Qualifications Acquired Abroad Section 56 Further Training Examinations Section 57 Equivalence of Examination Certificates Chapter 3 Retraining Section 58 Retraining Regulations Section 59 Regulation of Retraining Examinations by the Competent Bodies Section 60 Retraining for a Recognized Training Occupation Section 61 Consideration of Previous Qualifications Acquired Abroad Section 62 Retraining Measures; Retraining Examinations Section 63 Equivalence of Examination Certificates Chapter 4 Vocational Training for Special Groups of Persons Division 1 Vocational Training of Disabled Persons Section 64 Initial Training Section 65 Initial Training in Recognized Training Occupations Section 66 Initial Training Arrangements of the Competent Bodies Section 67 Further Training, Retraining Division 2 Vocational Training Preparation Section 68 Target Group and Standards Section 69 Qualification Modules, Certificate Section 70 Supervision, Advice Part 3 Organization of Vocational Training Chapter 1 Competent Bodies; Competent Authorities Division 1 Designation of the Competent Body Section 71 Competent Bodies Section 72 Designation by Ordinance Section 73 Competent Bodies in the Public Service Section 74 Extended Competence Section 75 Competent Bodies for the Purview of the Churches and Other Religious Communities Established under Public Law Division 2 Supervision of Vocational Training Section 76 Supervision, Advice Division 3 Vocational Training Committees of the Competent Body Section 77 Establishment Section 78 Quorum, Voting Section 79 Tasks Section 80 Rules of Procedure Division 4 Competent Authorities Section 81 Competent Authorities Chapter 2 Land Committees for Vocational Training Section 82 Establishment, Rules of Procedure, Voting Section 83 Tasks Part 4 Vocational Training Research, Planning and Statistics Section 84 Objectives of Vocational Training Research Section 85 Objectives of Vocational Training Planning Section 86 Report on Vocational Education and Training Section 87 Purpose and Compilation of Vocational Training Statistics Section 88 Surveys Part 5 Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Section 89 Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Section 90 Tasks Section 91 Organs Section 92 Board Section 93 President Section 94 Research Council Section 95 Disabled Persons Committee Section 96 Funding of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Section 97 Budget Section 98 Statutes Section 99 Staff Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) of 23 March 2005 (Fed. Law Gazette [BGBl.], Part I p. 931) 4 Section 100 Supervision of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Section 101 Duty of Disclosure Part 6 Provisions Governing Fines Section 102 Provisions Governing Fines Part 7 Transitional and Concluding Provisions Section 103 Equivalence of Final Examination Certificates as a Consequence of German Unification Section 104 Continuation in Force of Existing Regulations Section 105 Transfer of Competences ––––––––––––– Part 1 General Provisions Section 1 Vocational Training Terms and Objectives (1) For the purposes of this Act, the term “vocational training” shall mean vocational training preparation, initial training, further training and retraining. (2) Vocational training preparation shall serve to impart basic skills required for the acquisition of vocational competence and thus facilitate placement in initial training in a recognized training occupation. (3) Initial training shall, through a systematic training programme, impart the vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications (vocational competence) necessary to engage in a form of skilled occupational activity in a changing working world. Initial training shall also enable trainees to acquire the necessary occupational experience. (4) Further training shall enable individuals to maintain and upgrade or broaden their vocational competence and advance their careers. (5) Retraining shall qualify individuals for another form of occupational activity. Section 2 Learning Locations of Vocational Training (1) Vocational training shall be provided 1. in companies engaged in economic activity, in comparable institutions not engaged in economic activity, especially those of the public service, in establishments of members of the independent professions, and in households (in-company training); 2. in vocational schools (school-based vocational training); and 3. in other vocational training facilities outside the system of school-based and in-company training (non-company training). (2) The learning locations specified in subsection (1) shall collaborate in the provision of vocational training (cooperation among learning locations). (3) Parts of initial training may be completed abroad if this serves the purpose of training. The total duration of such training abroad shall not exceed one fourth of the duration of training specified in the initial training regulations. Section 3 Scope (1) This Act shall apply to vocational training insofar as such training is not provided in vocational schools covered by the education acts of the Länder. (2) This Act shall not apply to 1. vocational training provided in study courses imparting specific vocational qualifications or in comparable study courses at higher education institutions on the basis of the Framework Act for Higher Education [Hochschulrahmengesetz] and the higher education acts of the Länder; 2. vocational training provided under an employment relationship governed by public law; 3. vocational training provided on merchant vessels flying the flag of the Federal Republic of Germany pursuant to the Law of the Flag Act [Flaggenrechtsgesetz], insofar as such vessels are not engaged in small-scale deep-sea fishing or in coastal fishing. (3) Vocational training in occupations governed by the Crafts and Trade Code [Handwerksordnung] shall not be subject to sections 4 to 9, sections 27 to 49, sections 53 to 70, sections 76 to 80 and section 102 of this Act; in these respects the Crafts and Trade Code shall apply. Part 2 Vocational Training Chapter 1 Initial Training Division 1 Organization of Initial Training; Recognition of Training Occupations Section 4 Recognition of Training Occupations (1) As a basis for an orderly and uniform system of initial training, the Federal Ministry of Economics Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) of 23 March 2005 (Fed. Law Gazette [BGBl.], Part I p. 931) 5 and Labour or such other ministry as may be competent, acting in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, may by ordinance which shall not require the consent of the Bundesrat officially recognize training occupations and issue initial training regulations for such occupations pursuant to section 5. (2) Initial training in a recognized training occupation may only be provided on the basis of the initial training regulations. (3) Young people under the age of 18 may not receive initial training in occupations other than recognized training occupations unless such initial training prepares them for advanced qualification pathways. (4) If the initial training regulations for a training occupation are rescinded, existing initial training relationships shall continue to be governed by the provisions hitherto in force. (5) The competent ministry shall inform the Länder of reorganization plans at an early stage and shall involve them in the consultation process. Section 5 Initial Training Regulations (1) The initial training regulations shall specify 1. the designation of the training occupation to be recognized; 2. the duration of initial training, which shall not be more than three or fewer than two years; 3. the vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications to at least be imparted in the course of initial training (training occupation profile); 4. an outline of the syllabus and timetable to be followed when imparting the vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications (overall training plan); 5. the examination requirements. (2) The initial training regulations may provide that 1. initial training take place in progressive stages according to specific syllabuses and timetables; provision shall be made at the end of each stage for a certificate of competence qualifying trainees to both engage in a form of skilled occupational activity pursuant to section 1 subsection (3) and continue initial training in successive stages (training by stages); 2. the final examination be taken in two parts administered at different times; 3. notwithstanding section 4 subsection (4), initial training may, if the parties to the contract so agree, be continued in this training occupation pursuant to the new provisions, whereby credit shall be given for the period of training already undergone pursuant to the rescinded provisions; 4. initial training in another relevant occupation may be credited towards initial training in the occupation governed by the initial training regulations, taking into account the vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications acquired in the course of such previous training; 5. over and above the training occupation profile described in subsection (1), number 3, additional vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications may be imparted to supplement or broaden vocational competence; 6. parts of initial training be provided in suitable facilities outside the training premises if and to the extent necessary for the purposes of training (intercompany training); 7. trainees keep a written record of their initial training. When framing initial training regulations, attention shall always be given to whether arrangements pursuant to numbers 1, 2 and 4 are sensible and feasible. Section 6 Testing of New Training Occupations, New Forms of Initial Training and New Types of Examinations For the purpose of developing and testing new training occupations, new forms of initial training and new types of examinations, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour or such other ministry as may be competent, acting in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and after consulting the Board of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, may by ordinance which shall not require the consent of the Bundesrat permit exceptions to section 4 subsections (2) and (3) as well as sections 5, 37 and 48 which may also be limited to a specific type and number of training premises. Section 7 Crediting of Previous Vocational Education and Training towards the Period of Initial Training (1) The Land governments may, after consulting the Land vocational training committee, by ordinance stipulate that attendance of a vocational school training course or initial training in some other facility be credited either wholly or in part towards the period of initial training. The authorization may in turn be transferred by ordinance to supreme Land authorities. The ordinance may provide that such crediting shall require a joint application by trainees and training employers. (2) Crediting pursuant to subsection (1) shall require a joint application by trainees and training employers. The application shall be submitted to the competent body. It may be limited to parts of the maximum creditable period. 2 2 Subsection (2) shall enter into force on 1 August 2009. At the same time, subsection (1), third sentence, shall cease to be in force. Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) of 23 March 2005 (Fed. Law Gazette [BGBl.], Part I p. 931) 6 Section 8 Reduction and Extension of the Period of Initial Training (1) Upon a joint application by trainees and training employers, the competent body shall reduce the period of initial training if it is likely that the purpose of training will be achieved in the shorter period. In the event of legitimate interest, the application may also seek a reduction of the daily or weekly hours of training (part-time initial training). (2) In exceptional cases the competent body may, on application by trainees, extend their period of initial training if such extension is necessary to enable them to achieve the purpose of their training. Training employers shall be consulted before a decision is taken pursuant to the first sentence. (3) The Board of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training may issue guidelines for the decision on reduction or extension of the period of initial training. Section 9 Power to Make Training Arrangements In the absence of other provisions, the competent body shall arrange for the provision of initial training within the framework of this Act. Division 2 Initial Training Relationship Subdivision 1 Establishment of the Initial Training Relationship Section 10 Contract (1) Persons engaging other persons for the purpose of the latter’s initial training (training employers) shall conclude an initial training contract with the trainees. (2) The legal provisions and principles governing contracts of employment shall apply to initial training contracts, insofar as this is not incompatible with the nature and purpose of the contract and the provisions of this Act. (3) If statutory representatives conclude an initial training contract with their own child, they shall not be subject to the prohibition set out in section 181 of the Civil Code [Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch]. (4) No irregularity as regards the right to engage trainees or provide training shall affect the validity of an initial training contract. (5) Several natural persons or legal entities may cooperate within the framework of a collaborative training venture to discharge the contractual obligations of training employers as long as responsibility for the individual stages of initial training and for the period of initial training as a whole is ensured (collaborative training). Section 11 Contract Document (1) After the conclusion of an initial training contract, training employers shall without delay, and in any event before the commencement of initial training, set down the essential stipulations of the contract pursuant to the second sentence in writing; the electronic form shall be excluded. The contract document shall at least specify 1. the nature, syllabus, timetable and purpose of the initial training, and in particular the form of occupational activity for which initial training is to be provided; 2. the commencement and the duration of initial training, 3. any initial training measures taking place outside the training premises; 4. the length of the normal daily hours of initial training; 5. the length of the probationary period; 6. the payment of an allowance and the rate to be applied; 7. the amount of holiday leave; 8. the conditions under which the initial training contract may be terminated; 9. a general reference to collective agreements, plant agreements or service agreements applicable to the initial training relationship. (2) The document shall be signed by the training employers, the trainees and the trainees’ statutory representatives. (3) Training employers shall provide the trainees and their statutory representatives with a copy of the signed document without delay. (4) Subsections (1) to (3) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to amendments to the initial training contract. Section 12 Invalid Agreements (1) Any agreement restricting trainees in the pursuit of their occupational activity after the end of the initial training relationship shall be null and void. The foregoing shall not apply if trainees commit themselves during the last six months of the initial training relationship to entering into an employment relationship with their training employers after the end of the initial training relationship. (2) Any agreement providing for 1. an obligation of trainees to pay compensa Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) of 23 March 2005 (Fed. Law Gazette [BGBl.], Part I p. 931) 7 tion for their initial training; 2. contractual penalties; 3. the exclusion or limitation of claims to compensation for damages; 4. determination of the rate of compensation for damages as a lump sum shall be null and void. Subdivision 2 Obligations of Trainees Section 13 Conduct During Initial Training Trainees shall make every effort to acquire the vocational competence necessary for them to achieve the purpose of their initial training. They shall in particular be obligated to 1. carefully perform the tasks entrusted to them as part of their initial training; 2. take part in initial training measures for which they have been granted time off under section 15; 3. follow the instructions given to them within the framework of their initial training by training employers, instructors or any other persons entitled to give them such instructions; 4. have regard for the rules of behaviour to be observed on the training premises, 5. use tools, machinery and other equipment with due care; 6. not reveal any business or trade secrets. Subdivision 3 Obligations of Training Employers Section 14 Initial Training (1) Training employers shall 1. ensure that the vocational competence necessary for trainees to achieve the purpose of their initial training is imparted to them and provide such initial training systematically in accordance with a syllabus and a timetable and in a form appropriate to the aim in view so that the purpose of the training can be achieved within the specified period; 2. provide the initial training themselves or expressly entrust such training to an instructor; 3. furnish to trainees free of charge the materials, in particular tools and supplies, necessary for their initial training and the passing of their interim and final examinations, even if such examinations take place after the end of the initial training relationship; 4. urge trainees to attend part-time vocational school and to keep their written initial training records up to date, insofar as such records are required as part of their initial training, and inspect such records; 5. ensure that trainees are encouraged to develop their personality and that they are protected from physical or moral danger. (2) Trainees shall only be entrusted with tasks that serve the purpose of their initial training and are commensurate with their physical abilities. Section 15 Time Off Training employers shall grant trainees the necessary time off to attend part-time vocational school and take examinations. The foregoing shall also apply to their participation in initial training measures taking place outside the training premises. Section 16 Certificate (1) At the end of the initial training relationship, training employers shall provide trainees with a written certificate. The electronic form shall be excluded. If training employers have not provided the initial training themselves, the certificate shall be signed by the instructor as well. (2) The certificate must contain particulars of the nature, duration and purpose of the initial training as well as the vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications acquired by the trainees. If trainees so request, it shall also include particulars of their conduct and performance. Subdivision 4 Allowance Section 17 Entitlement to an Allowance (1) Training employers shall pay trainees an appropriate allowance. It shall be so assessed in accordance with the trainees’ age that it increases at least once a year as the initial training progresses. (2) Account may be taken of benefits in kind at the rate fixed for the value of such benefits under section 17 subsection (1), first sentence, number 4, of Book Four of the Social Code [Sozialgesetzbuch], but not beyond 75 percent of the gross rate of the allowance. (3) Employment beyond the agreed normal daily hours of initial training shall be remunerated separately or compensated by corresponding time off. Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) of 23 March 2005 (Fed. Law Gazette [BGBl.], Part I p. 931) 8 Section 18 Assessment of the Allowance and Date of Payment (1) The allowance shall be assessed on a monthly basis. A month shall be deemed to have thirty days for the purpose of calculating the allowance due for individual days. (2) The allowance due for the current calendar month shall be paid by the last working day of that month at the latest. Section 19 Continued Payment of the Allowance (1) Trainees shall also be paid the allowance 1. for time off granted under section 15; 2. for up to a maximum of six weeks if they a) are available for initial training but training is not provided; or b) are prevented for any other personal reason beyond their control from discharging their obligations under the initial training contract. (2) If trainees are prevented for a valid reason from availing themselves of benefits in kind during the time their allowance continues to be paid, they shall be granted compensation in lieu thereof in accordance with the value determined for such benefits under section 17 subsection (2). Subdivision 5 Beginning and End of the Initial Training Relationship Section 20 Probationary Period The initial training relationship shall begin with a probationary period. This period must last for at least one month but may not last longer than four months. Section 21 End (1) The initial training relationship shall end on the expiry of the period of initial training. In the case of training by stages, it shall end on the expiry of the last stage. (2) If trainees pass their final examination before the expiry of their period of initial training, the initial training relationship shall end upon the announcement of the results by the board of examiners. (3) If trainees fail to pass their final examination, the initial training relationship shall, if they so request, be extended until the next occasion on which they can repeat the examination, up to a maximum of one year. Section 22 Termination (1) The initial training relationship may be terminated without notice at any time during the probationary period. (2) After the expiry of the probationary period, the initial training relationship may only be terminated 1. for a valid reason without notice; 2. by trainees on four weeks’ notice if they wish to cease initial training or undergo initial training for another form of occupational activity. (3) Notice of termination must be given in writing; in cases covered by subsection (2) it must also state the reasons for termination. (4) If the initial training relationship is terminated for a valid reason, the termination shall be null and void if the circumstances upon which it is based have been known for more than two weeks to the party entitled to terminate. In cases where conciliation proceedings are instituted before an extrajudicial body, this time limit shall cease to run until such proceedings are concluded. Section 23 Compensation for Damages in the Event of Premature Termination (1) If the initial training relationship is prematurely terminated after the expiry of the probationary period, training employers or trainees shall be entitled to seek compensation for damages if the other party is responsible for the cause of termination. The foregoing shall not apply in cases covered by section 22 subsection (2), number 2. (2) Such entitlement shall lapse if it is not asserted within three months after termination of the initial training relationship. Subdivision 6 Miscellaneous Provisions Section 24 Subsequent Employment If trainees continue to work for their training employer immediately after their initial training relationship has ended, without any express agreement on the subject having been reached, an employment relationship shall be deemed to have been established for an indefinite period. Section 25 Mandatory Applicability Any agreement departing from the provisions of this part of this Act to the detriment of trainees shall be null and void. Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) of 23 March 2005 (Fed. Law Gazette [BGBl.], Part I p. 931) 9 Section 26 Other Contractual Relationships Insofar as no employment relationship has been agreed, persons who are engaged to acquire vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications or occupational experience without undergoing initial training within the meaning of this Act shall be covered by sections 10 to 23 and section 25, subject to the proviso that the statutory probationary period may be shortened, the contract need not be set out in writing and, notwithstanding section 23 subsection (1), first sentence, no compensation for damages may be claimed if the contractual relationship is prematurely terminated after the expiry of the probationary period. Division 3 Suitability of Training Premises and Training Staff Section 27 Suitability of Training Premises (1) Trainees may only be engaged and given initial training if 1. the nature and equipment of the training premises are suitable for initial training; and 2. the ratio between the number of trainees and the number of training places or the number of skilled staff employed is appropriate (unless such other ratio is not detrimental to initial training). (2) Training premises where the necessary vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications cannot be imparted in their entirety shall be deemed to be suitable if these can be imparted through initial training measures taking place outside the training premises. (3) The nature and equipment of training premises shall only be deemed to be suitable for initial training in occupations in the field of agriculture, including domestic service in agriculture, if the training premises have been recognized as such by the authority competent under Land law. The Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture, acting in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and after consulting the Board of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, may by ordinance which shall not require the consent of the Bundesrat lay down minimum standards for the size, equipment and standard of management of training premises. (4) The nature and equipment of training premises shall only be deemed to be suitable for initial training in occupations in domestic service if the training premises have been recognized as such by the authority competent under Land law. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, acting in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and after consulting the Board of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, may by ordinance which shall not require the consent of the Bundesrat lay down minimum standards for the size, equipment and standard of management of training premises. Section 28 Suitability of Training Employers and Instructors (1) Trainees may only be engaged by training employers who have the necessary personal qualifications. Trainees may only be trained by persons who have the necessary personal and technical qualifications. (2) Training employers who do not have the necessary technical qualifications or do not provide the initial training themselves may only engage trainees if they appoint instructors with the necessary personal and technical qualifications to directly impart the essential initial training content in a responsible manner on the training premises. (3) Under the responsibility of the instructor, persons may also participate in the provision of initial training who are not themselves instructors but, notwithstanding the special prerequisites set out in section 30, possess the vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications as well as the personal qualifications necessary to impart subject matter covered by initial training. Section 29 Personal Qualifications Persons shall in particular be deemed to not have the necessary personal qualifications if they 1. are not allowed to employ children and young persons or 2. have been guilty of repeated or serious contraventions of this Act or of the provisions and regulations issued on the basis of this Act. Section 30 Technical Qualifications (1) Persons shall be deemed to have the necessary technical qualifications if they possess the vocational and skills, knowledge and qualifications as well as the teaching skills, knowledge and qualifications required to give initial training in the occupation and processes concerned. (2) Persons shall be deemed to possess the necessary vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications if they 1. have passed the final examination in a technical field corresponding to the training occupation; 2. have passed a recognized examination at a training facility or before an examination authority or a final examination at a state or Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) of 23 March 2005 (Fed. Law Gazette [BGBl.], Part I p. 931) 10 state-accredited school in a technical field corresponding to the training occupation; or 3. have passed a final examination at a German higher education institution in a technical field corresponding to the training occupation and have been employed in a practical capacity for an appropriate period in their own occupation. (3) In cases covered by subsection (2), number 2, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour or such other ministry as may be competent, acting in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and after consulting the Board of the Federal Institute for Vo
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